A unique constellation of scientists, artists and organisers comprise AnthropoScenes. At the core of the project are seven principal investigators from the Free University Berlin (FU), Humboldt Universität zu Berlin (HU) and Technical University Berlin (TU), six of whom are also in Climate and Water Under Change (CliWaC). Postdoctoral researchers from CliWaC have the opportunity for temporary or long term involvement within the flexible project structure. Partnerships with stakeholders across Berlin-Brandenburg range from musicians and theatres, to NGOs and local municipalities, and are essential to foster new forms of inter- and transdisciplinarity within AnthropoScenes.

Tobias Krüger
... works at the interface of hydrology and critical social science. He is Professor of Hydrology & Society at the Institute of Geography and IRI THESys at Humboldt University in Berlin. From the Project AnthropoScenes, he hopes for new impulses for water research.

Jörg Niewöhner
... researches and teaches at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin on human-environment relations and how they transform with climate change. He uses ethnographic methods at the intersection of scientific and artistic knowledge production.

Peter Feindt
... holds a PhD in political science and is a professor of agricultural and food policy at the Thaer Institute for Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences at Humboldt University in Berlin. He is interested in the potential of performances to allow different perspectives to be experienced in concerted plays and to explore the emotional states and discourses associated with water, its possibilities, its dangers, and its absence.

Klaus Eisenack
... is a professor of resource economics at Humboldt University and researches the role of institutions in adapting to climate change. In AnthropoScenes he wants to further develop board and computer games as a transdisciplinary method.

Birgit Kleinschmit
... is Professor of Geoinformatics at TU Berlin and co-spokesperson of the Research Training Group Urban Water Interfaces. She uses satellite time series analysis, AI applications, and biophysical models to investigate the drivers and responses of human-environment systems caused by climate and land use change. She aims to use representational art to convey her findings about water flows and water scarcity in the landscape to society in understandable images.

Britta Tietjen
... is a professor at Freie Universität Berlin in the Theoretical Ecology research group where she studies the influence of global change on grasslands and drylands. She uses simulation models to study the interaction between water and vegetation, with a focus on the role of biodiversity in ecosystem services and functions. In Anthropocenes, she is interested in the open research questions surrounding water-related hazards and risks, and potential water futures in Berlin-Brandenburg.

Knut Blind
... is a professor in the Department of Innovation Economics at the Institute of Technology and Management at the Technical University of Berlin and head of the Innovation and Regulation Business Unit at Fraunhofer ISI. Within the project, he is responsible for the work package evaluating AnthropoScenes and its societal impact with two focal points: Quality Assurance and Lessons Learned.

Pauline Münch
... is coordinator of the AnthropoScenes project and is based at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin’s IRI THESys. With a background in science communication, she is interested in further exploring experimental and collaborative methods which can open discussions about water. Her work is situated at the intersection of artistic and scientific collaboration, as well as knowledge transfer and transdisciplinary research.

Desirée Hetzel
... is a social and cultural anthropologist working as a postdoctoral researcher in the Climate and Water under Change (CliWaC) project at IRI THESys and the Institute for European Ethnology at HU-Berlin. Her interests lie in the study of changes in human-environment relations in the context of climate change. In AnthropoScenes and in her ethnographic research in Berlin-Brandenburg, she discusses current water practices and imaginaries of water landscape with residents at lakes and the Spree. (Photo credit: Falk Weiß)

Olena Slobodian
... is a sociologist and research assistant at the Institute for Technology and Management with Professor Knut Blind at the Technical University of Berlin. In the project she investigates the impact of performances and new formats of science communication on all groups of project participants. Her findings will be reflected in the project and will illustrate its societal impact.
Our Partners

Maximilian Grünewald
... is an artist/actor, researcher and initiator of transdisciplinary research, focussing his practice on the power of storytelling for entangled human and non-human situations. Combining his education as an actor as well as in theater studies and history with his research into philosophy and science theory, his career is marked by pathways that exceed the common artistic and academic frameworks. His engagements at theaters took him to Berlin, Karlsruhe and Hannover.

Frank Raddatz
... Dramaturg, director, theater theorist. Artistic director of the Theater of the Anthropocene. Development of different aesthetic formats at the interface of art/science within the project.

Klemens Czurda
... works with photography and film as mediums, focusing on documentary projects and conceptional media installations around the entanglement of society and its many artifacts and agents. From architecture, science & technology to social structures and remembrance: They embrace the Liminal in all its shapes and forms. From ubiquitous non-places to the 'Yugosphere', our existence in the Anthropocene and our relations in this network.

Vincent Burckhardt
... studied cultural studies, sinology and literature. Since 2020 he is project coordinator at the Theater of the Anthropocene. Within AnthropoScenes, he aims to explore fluid forms at the intersection of art and science.

Martin Reinhart
... works on research evaluation, holds a professorship for Science Studies at the School of Library and Information Science, and is director of the Robert K. Merton Center for Science Studies at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. He is intrigued by the idea to evaluate collaborative practices at the intersection of science and art. (Photo: Sarah Wiltschek)
Past Members

Franziska Sörgel
... is a cultural anthropologist and research assistant at the Institute for Technology and Management with Professor Knut Blind at the Technical University of Berlin. In the context of the project she investigates the manifold (social) influences that the performances and events have on the audience and vice versa, the audience on the performances. Her findings will be reflected back to the project, thus illustrating the impact of the project.

Katja Irob
... is conducting research at Freie Universität on the effects of climate change and land use on the feedback ofplant diversity and water resources using ecohydrological models. She supports the project by sharing her expertise in ecohydrological modeling, acting in communications, and helping to analyze and integrate input for future publications.

Theresa Frommen
... is a hydrogeologist by training. Her main research interests are inter- and transdisciplinary cooperations and approaches in hydrogeology, understanding the connection between groundwater and society and why and where conflicts arise (socio-hydrogeology), as well as science communication. In AnthropoScences she was actively involved in the planning and execution of many events in 2021-2022.