Our Work
Through a process that entwines theatre and science, AnthropoScenes experiments with formats to entertain and engage diverse audiences. The objective is to co-produce sustainable water futures with different publics in Berlin and Brandenburg. Some examples of our work can be found below.
The RambaZamba Theater brought an entertaining and engaging production to the stage where sci-fi and Greek mythology intersected with water shortages and climate change.

At the International Literature Festival Berlin, the Theatre of the Anthropocene organised an event with the text "Das Wasser" by author Kathrin Röggla. Actors read excerpts and joined a panel discussion with Röggla and CliWaC researchers afterwards.
As a joint collaboration with the Mosse Lectures, the event led participants along the two rivers to explore Berlin from a hydrological, historical and literary perspective. Artists and scientists provided input at different stations along the way.

A blog post in the Environmental Ethnology Group of the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin explores the unique human-nature relationships alongside the river Spree through text, maps, and archival film footage.

A new station in the After Nature exhibition at Humboldt Lab allows visitors to share their own observations on water-related climate change risks in the Berlin-Brandenburg region with the Climate and Water under Change (CliWaC) research consortium.

Open Air | Our Water Future
At the Long Night of the Sciences 2022, there was an open-air concert by musician Kevin Mooney that featured his re-imagined shanties about the Anthropocene. Visitors could also participate in activities such as a blind water taste test and chat with CliWaC scientists.
As part of the special feature The Frontlines of Environmental Politics in Europe in the Journal Europe, Pauline Münch and Jörg Niewöhner analyze the challenges facing water in the Berlin-Brandeburg region and potentials of building sustainable water futures through art and transdisciplinary collaborations.

Inspired by the Berlin salons of the 18th century, the event series filled with performances, art and science took place at the Humboldt Labor in the Humboldt Forum. The performative-discursive evenings explored the most pressing water challenges of the 21st century.
Within the Stadtlabor Online Seminar Series “The values of multimodal projects“, AnthropoScenes shared how multimodality features throughout the project as a mode of research and intervention through transdisplinary work and artistic performances.

A pop up within a shopping centre captured passerbys with art works, activities and exchanges with scientists. It sparked discussions about water from different vantage points and began the process of making sustainable water futures public.