The Mythology of the Spree
Storytelling on the origins of the river...
Local storyteller and historian Manfred Kliche guided audiences through the legends of the land and waterscapes of the Spreewald. The history of the Spree has many facets. Since the ice age it has shaped the landscapes from the Lausitz to the Havel. Science and legends, each in their own way, bear witness to the changing fate of man and water.
Project Gallery

Manfred Kliche
Manfred has dedicated himself to local and regional history. He was born in Raddusch /Spreewald and studied law at the Humboldt University of Berlin. He has been an honorary local historian of Raddusch for 60 years and wrote the Raddusch local chronicle. He also works as a tour guide/guide in the Spreewald for the tourist office and is an honorary member of the Raddusch local history and costume association. Manfred maintains Sorbian/Wendish folk customs and the Spreewald dialect, and is known as a presenter at events in the Spreewald as "Dubkowsche August" or "Spreewaldslawe Manni".